Start a New Stokvel/Investmment Club

Get our startup package and start your New Stokvel\Investment Club

Officiate Existing and New Stokvels/Investment Clubs

Let's Register your Name and Official Documents

Group Membership of Society

Become a Group Member and Share in the Society's Benefits with other Peer Groups

Individual Membership of Society

New opportunity to receive exclusive invitation to join a group

Society's Investment Club for Groups

New Groups now join the Society's Group Investment Club

Groups can now join Society Stokvel

New Opportunity for Groups to join a Society Group Stokvel and get better returns on saving

Loans for Members from Society Credit Union

Provide loans to our Members from Society's Credit Union

Accointing , Financial, Administrativ & Investmennt Services

The Society keep Books of Account, Various Administrative services and Investment Management and Reports for its Members