New Membership to Individuals by Invitation
Because of its closed exclusive pritvate club nature Membership of a Investment Club / Stokvels is by Invitation only. This meant that in the past historically this requirement has shown that it norrmally restricted membership largely to groups of individuals that was kown to each other, thus consisting mostly of close friends or family .
GROGOLD Group Investment Societv has changed all of that!
The Society now offer a opportunity to broaden the membership base of individuals by inviting members of goodd standing from the general public to apply to the Society to be invited by a New or Existing Stokvel/Investment Club The Society then presents the member of good standing profile to suitable groups who in turn invite the me mber to join their group.
This option is open to individuals that do not know enough members to start a new group or do nnot want to go thtrough the process of starting a new group
Other options that allow indiviiduals to become members are:
The Society also provide groundbreaking service for members of the public such as groups on social medie, churches, co workers, neigbours, social clubs to form rg Stokvels/Investment Club to become members by either:
▪ Joining the Sociey's Stokvel/ Investment Club for individuals by receiving a invitation from us once a certificate of good standing is issued to you by the Society
▪Join as a startup/launch member of a the newly formed Stokvel/Investent Club of which all the members are pre selected as members of good standing.
▪AItenatively you can invite at least 12 people some who are known to you and some that are unknow to you but to other group members who can vouch for them or if not sure submit everybodys names and details to the Society to clear everybody as members of good standing
▪Join the Society Investment Club for groups by joining a Society nominated Group
▪Join a Society nominated Stokvel
The Society plays a leading role to seek quality individuals whho are eligible and facilitate Invitation to join as members of good standing We seek to ensure that your exclusive private contribution work for you and your and your Investment Club /Stokvel runs smoothly.
Why be part of an investment club?
If you want to invest in other asset classes other than traditional savings, there are many reasons that you might want to do so as part of an investment club.
The main reasons are:
• Social - An investment club makes investing sociable. Meetings take place at members’ homes, in restaurants or at pubs, where you discuss investment ideas. This is far more fun than agonising over decisions all by yourself!
• Education - Few people have had any formal education in asset classes like sharesand managing a asset class portfolio. In an investment club you pool your knowledge, brainstorm ideas and get everyone’s input when you make a decision. This is one of the ways to improve your investing expertise If you got tome on your hands Another way is to get expert input or let portfolio managers mamage the portfolio on your behalf
• Diversification - A key principle of investing is not to hold all of your eggs in one basket. To be properly diversified (so that your investment risk is spread), you must generally hold a diverse group of investments balaced among various asset classes betw. But if you have limited funds, this can spread you a bit thinly. In an investment club, however, your money is pooled with others. This means that the investment club can invest meaningful amounts in a properly diversified portfolio. The Society,s Investment Club offers individuals a NEW opportunity to join with a pece of mind that you are in good hands!
We look after the Goose that Lay the Golden Eggs