Starting a new Investment Club/Stokvel

Starting a New Stokvel/Investment Club by Social Groups of individuals, through Stokvels or Investor Clubs is becoming an increasingly popular way of building up savings and receiving larger lower risk Return on their Investments by joining a Private Exclusive Group whos membership is by Invitation only

You can start a club if you are new to or have experience in investing, have limited time to learnn, to research or gather information  but would like to receive all the benefits  of such a entity

So wether you enjoy sharing ideas and the concept of investing with others  or are a serious invester with specific goals starting a Stockvel/Investment Club  is a great way  to start building your nest eggg!

GROGOLD Group Investment Society provide a service to Start such a  entity.

We facilitate the startup process and supply a package of services with all the bqackground  information, templates and paperwork to start and launch your own  Stokvel /Investment Club 

Once you decide to start either a New Investment Club or Stokvel it is imimportant to determine which of  these t wo  vehiclesm your group is going to use and  this would depend on youe goals and investment objective  including short term or long term vision. Based  on this we will help  get your group up and runnig in no time

Why be part of an investment club?

If you want to invest in other asset classes such as shares rather than just traditional saving, there are many reasons that you might want to do so as part of an investment club The Society  now  provides either enitities   to invest their Group Funds So wether you are a Stokvels who wish tominvest in short term growth winvest  

There are many steps invoved to getting an Investment Club/Stokvel  up and running we assist you during the whole processl. The  GROGOLD  package do most of the work for you which makes your input quite simple. We ensure that you launch a well structured Stokvel/Invest,ent Club

 We look after the Goose that Lay the Golden Eggs